Explanation:Represents the fundamental non-negative interaction principle in omniverse, thermodynamic dynamics, indicating that the sum of two positive or non-negative elements cannot result in a negative or null outcome. In (English) physics, this translates to The Cosmological Constant; if you're familiar w Noether, start HERE.
2. General Origin Equation:
Explanation:Reflects that any combination of two components a and b, where both are not negative or zero, will "not" lead to a negative outcome. It reinforces the idea of additive stability in the omniverse, as correlates to Hubble's Law and Einstein's Field Equations.
3. Zero-Origin Equation:
Explanation: Shows that starting from a neutral (zero) state and adding a positive element cannot result in a negative outcome, ensuring the preservation of non-negative results in various scenarios mapped by Friedmann's Equation and Quantum Field Theory.
4. Ominiverse Identity Equation:
Explanation:Establishes the fundamental identity that a positive value cannot be equivalent to a negative value, setting a baseline for evaluating interactions and states within the omniverse.
5. General Identity Equation:
Explanation:Indicates that a general value a is not equal to −1, ensuring that non-negative or positive values are distinct from negative states in the omniverse.